Playing the Race Card
Exhibition 2022
21 October to 6 November 2022
Opening times: Thursday to Sunday from 11am-5pm
Please note: We will open at 12noon on Saturday 5 Nov
Location: Greenhalf Studio, 7-11 Market Street, St Leonards, TN38 0DG.
A unique and timely exhibition showcasing 25 contemporary Black artists' response to the powerful term ‘playing the race card’ and its complex implications.
Formed of new and existing works, the exhibition seeks to turn this problematic metaphor on its head and replace a culture of victim blaming with a celebration of diversity.
Artworks comprising of painting, photography and video selected from a nationwide open-call are showcased alongside several works from local artists involved with the Playing the Race Card project.
Through a variety of approaches, each artist shares with the viewer a profound insight into their perceptions or lived experiences relating to the concept of the race card.
Exhibition Artists
Lorna Hamilton-Brown, Maggie Scott, Anna Maria Nabirye, Dorcas Magbadelo, Femi Dawkins, Izzy Withers, Tatenda Michael Maanyarara, Shaun Campbell, Abbi Bayliss, Keleenna Onyeaka, Dr. Chris Udenze, Brooke Danaher, Chelle Ebanks, Fatima Esayli, Vanessa Alves, Sharon James, Adlin Shorter, Dee Aaron, Nicole Thornton, Vanessa Hiller, Natasha Muluswela, Yasmin Tijani, Shemelle Soyebo, Jacqui Cooke and Tina Ramos Ekongo.
Click here to download artists' bios & price list
Exhibition Access: There is one step at the front door (16 cm) and two further steps (15cm each) into the exhibition. Please email Katy on katy@homeliveart.com for further information or with any questions.

Our Story
Playing the Race Card was started by local resident Claudine Eccleston in response to her own experiences of the term. It is part of Good Stuff in St Leonards, a creative programme of activities and events led by local residents and facilitated by local arts organisation Home Live Art.
Programme Director: Claudine Eccleston
Project Manager: Lorna Hamilton-Brown
Steering Group: Maggie Scott, Deanne Nualla, Nichelle Kelleher and Zo Daniels
Good Stuff in St Leonards is funded by Creative Civic Change, a partnership between Local Trust, the National Lottery Community Fund, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Additional funding for this exhibition has also been received from the Chalk Cliff Trust